We all got Olympic Mittens from Grama and Granpa Cady - Jamie and I were game to wear ours but we had to convince Adam to join the picture. Derek insisted on just being the cameraman. So - we got this funny picture and were albe to send it to the grandparents to show we love our new mittens!!!
My son the soldier made this Build-a-Bear for Jamie and Adam's little unborn boy. Of course, his name is G.I. Joe. Derek said he felt like a bit of a creep going into that store - hehehe.
Jamie and Adam wrote a book for the baby bean, called "My Uncle Wears Combat Boots". This book was Derek's gift from them - one copy for Derek and another for the baby.
The theme continues... I found a cute little camo fleece set for the baby. Derek got me a custom Starbucks card with "Grandma Heather" and a baby carriage on it. Jamie and Adam got me a wall tile that says "Grandma's make life more beautiful".
Yes, this baby is bringing lots of joy to his parents, his uncle and of course his Grandma long before he's even born!